Lemons, yellow citrus fruits have amazing natural benefits for hair, nails and skin. Take a look at some of the most beneficial ways to include lemons in your beauty routine:

Acne Treatment

Instead of spending a fortune on expensive products, you can use lemon to treat acne. Therefore, as written in HopingHealth, the antibacterial properties of lemon enter the skin and absorb toxins and other impurities from the pores. On the other hand, when the lemon is combined with a little honey, known for its antiseptic properties, can quickly resolve the problem with the bacteria causing acne.
According to HopingHealth, it is necessary to apply a mixture of honey and lemon on the affected areas couple of times per week. Being an exfoliating agent, lemon will remove all dead skin and your face will literally shine!

    ·       Treatment of hyperpigmentation

Lemons are excellent in the process of lighting the skin and therefore are an amazing tool in the fight against hyperpigmentation signs like dark spots and acne scars. As written in a Top 10 Home Remedies article, citric acid in lemons whitens the skin.

Using a cotton ball, apply a little lemon juice to the affected areas twice a day, leaving the juice for 15 minutes to react and then rinse, as seen on top 10. Repeat the treatment for a couple of Months until you notice improvements.

    ·       Treatment of canker sores

According to Women's Health, cleansing infected areas with several drops of lemon essential oil helps heal wounds faster.

    ·       Brighter nails

As seen on The Stir, soak your nails in a bowl of warm water, lemon juice, and some honey if you want to have brighter nails.

    ·       Treatment of dandruff

According to home remedies for life, due to the anti-fungal properties of lemon juice and its ability to soothe the itchy scalp, it is an incredible tool to combat icky white scales. Just apply juice directly from the lemon to the scalp and leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing it with cold water.

    ·       Reduction of stretch marks

An article written by The Fit Indian explains that lemons are a very popular method for the treatment of stretch marks as they contain alpha hydroxyl acids and vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to be an ascorbic acid that encourages the production of collage. You will have to rub a lemon directly over the marks and let the juice sit for 10 minutes. At the end, rinse the area with warm water.

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