One of the best weight loss regimens has been proposed by the pharmacist Sumiko and her husband Hitoshi. With this weight loss plan Sumiko has managed to lose 40 pounds of its weight. What makes this method so attractive is that it is very simple to use, but extremely effective.
Comienzas tu día comiendo un plátano por la mañana y bebiendo agua tibia durante el día. Los resultados deseados se pueden ver en sólo dos semanas. También puede comer otro plátano para el desayuno, pero tenga cuidado de no ir por el tablero. Si los plátanos no son algo que usted disfruta, simplemente elija otra fruta.
You start your day eating a banana in the morning and drinking warm water during the day. The desired results can be seen in just two weeks. You can also eat another banana for breakfast, but be careful not to go on the board. If bananas are not something you enjoy, simply choose another fruit.

If you are still very hungry, wait 15 minutes, then have a light breakfast or a small portion of whatever you want.

Lunch and dinner is also allowed, but you should never eat after 6 pm. Fried foods are also something that you should stay away from.

The most important thing about this diet is to drink warm water in small sips.

You can also consider having a dessert, a chocolate or some cookies, for example, 15 hours after breakfast. This is a menu that we recommend:

BREAKFAST: a grapefruit, a scrambled egg, a banana, a cup of green tea

LUNCH: carrots, 2 hard boiled eggs, onion, broccoli, large lettuce and tomato salad

SNACK: a handful of walnuts, yogurt

DINNER: cooked potatoes or carrots, chicken breast

See the video below for additional weight loss advice.


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