1. Improve your fitness regimen.

You should plan ahead and start your fitness regime before you get pregnant. The fitter you are, the easier your body will cope with the strains of being pregnant, and you will find that you will not pull easily during labor. Labor is a grueling physical event, and for women having their first baby it usually lasts a lot longer than the second or third time around
2. Prepare yourself mentally.

Half the battle during childbirth is overcoming mental obstacles and coping with pain. Somewomen opt for pain relief, which is entirely up to them, but if you choose to use little or no pain relief then you need to be mentally strong. Do lots of reading before hand, attend prenatal classes, and educate yourself about childbirth. When you understand what is going on and the process your body is going through, it can help you deal with it.

3. Lean on your support system.

Whether it's your partner, your family or midwives, you need to have someone there to keep your cool, talking through each contraction, and being there to hold your hand.
Su pareja es ideal, ya que el querrá estar involucrado. Prepárelo para el parto para que sepa qué esperar y que sepa de antemano lo importante que es su papel. A veces los padres pueden sentirse un poco inútiles durante el trabajo de parto, pero muchas mujeres después de su pareja como lo consiguió a través de ella.

4. Reservar el hospital con antelación.

On one of your post-doctor visits, you are likely to fill out paper work that guarantees you a place in the hospital. You can choose to have your baby in a private or public hospital, or even in a smaller facility. Be sure to plan ahead if you want to have a baby in a private hospital and make sure you have adequate health coverage.

5. Tie loose ends for your trip to the hospital.

Be prepared for when you go to work. Have your bag full of things for the hospital for you and the baby, starting around 36 weeks. Know the route that you are going to take to the hospital. It can help you make a practice run to know how long it takes and you are sure that you are not going to miss out.

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