Throughout the world, people begin to question and challenge gender norms and sexual identity. Instead of accepting that gender and sexual perspectives are thrown into stone when you are born, many people are becoming more open about the right of another human being to choose how to live their life. People who identify themselves as transgender are not comfortable with their gender identity and believe that they were born in the wrong body. This perspective can be difficult to understand for friends, family and members of the general public. In January 2016, a transgender woman named Fulvia Pellegrino of Peveragno, Italy, made headlines around the world as she courageously approached the media to tell her story and highlight many of the issues, challenges and expectations about people Who are struggling with a transgender identity.

Born in Italy, Ms. Pellegrino is 57 years old and has spent at least £ 52,000 on various operations and plastic surgery techniques to change her body into something as close to her representation of perfection as possible. Mrs. Pellegrino spoke openly about her tremendous difficulty in struggling to fit in with her male friends where she "played football, drank beer, bought American 4x4 and jumped to feel like a man." From the age of 15, Mrs. Pellegrino realized that she was not like the other children in school, she felt trapped.

This inner turbulence manifests itself in cross-dressing, making up in secret and visiting gay clubs. Mrs. Pellegrino kept this side of herself hidden from the rest of the world, even when she married his wife, Marisa Altare. In 2000, Mrs. Pellegrino told her wife the truth and after a tortuous and confusing period, Mrs. Altare accepted and supported the situation of her husband and today, the couple is "nothing more than two sisters."

For Ms. Pellegrino, the transition has been painful and difficult. The inhabitants of the town of Peveragno openly point out to her as if she is a circus monster. On the other hand, Pellegrino's mother and her father condemned her for her gender identity, trying to force her into a psychiatric facility and prevent her from attending her father's funeral. The new appearance and decisions of Mrs. Pellegrino may seem to confront and confuse people who do not know her, but she is sick of being treated like a leper and a monster by people who have never known her or know the psychological struggle that Has faced.

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