Benefits Of Prayer

Many studies have talked about the medical benefits of prayer, and I wanted to mention some of the benefits which we should reckon to feel the sweetness and the joy of prayer and worship. Here are some of these benefits in short:

1. Prayer is the best sport mental, spiritual and physical, and maintain the means to maintain a sound body and the state of mental calm and stable. Therefore, the most important characteristic of the pious after faith is prayer, God says in the first Surat after the Fatihah: (This book is no doubt guidance for the cautious (2) those who believe in the unseen, and establish worship  and thus provided them spend) [Baqarah: 2-3].

2. If you want to deal with the pain of the lower back and feet you pray and maintained. The prayer is not just worship closer we get out to God to be one of the prosper in the Hereafter, it is a success in this world, too, which is good for the believer, and this is what we find in the verse: (and keep up prayer and pay the Zakat and applied for yourselves from the best find one with God, the God of what ye do Basir ) [Baqarah: 110].

3. Prayer is a sport light and useful for muscles and address the physical weakness and helplessness and vulnerability, which affects many. It is the best remedy to the problems of age if accompanied with patience, patience, prayer and effective treatment for many mental illnesses, so the Almighty said: (Seek help in patience and prayer, and it is a hard but the humble) [Baqarah: 45].

4. In the bowing and prostrating great benefit of blood vessels and improve blood circulation, and improve the functioning of the heart, and stunning that these strange effects appear only with maintaining the prayers, and here perhaps realize why God ordered us to maintain the prayer! Almighty says: (Keep the prayers and the middle prayer and stand obedient to Allah) [Baqarah: 238].

5. The diverse and inclusive prayer movements and help blood circulation well and deliver it to Kavhoeda body and especially the brain, Vanhina body while kneeling and prostrating during helps to stimulate blood circulation. The most important thing in prayer as a regular and continuous work and continue until the last moment of the life of the believer. And prayer help to treat psychological fear and anxiety disorders, and therefore he says: (Those who believe and do good works  and establish worship  and pay the poor their reward with their Lord and no fear nor shall they grieve) [Baqarah: 277].

6. Prayer gives insured wonderful energy because of its connection with the Almighty Creator, this energy increases with reverence, so God ordered Balkhcua during the prayer, he said: (believers have returned (1) who are humble in their prayers) [Believers: 1-2].

7. Finally, prayer is a sport light does not harm the body, such as violent sports that require running and rapid muscle strain more than capacity and load. Therefore, the prayer comfort of man and this was expressed by the Prophet, peace be upon him saying to our Lord Bilal: (Comfort Us by O Bilal). The Prophet said to love the business to God: Prayer at the time, would imitate this Holy Prophet ?!

Healing prayer:

God has imposed on us prayer to be healing us from diseases of this era and every era, and the irony is that every movement of the prayer movements are a cure for myself or my body to read. ....

I have narrated from the Prophet, peace be upon him if he was melancholy of panic is to pray [Reported by Ahmad]. The Holy Prophet stressed on several occasions that I like the business to prayer on time, he said,  (know that good deeds prayer)  [Narrated by Ahmad]. What is the scientific, medical and psychological secrets behind this great act of worship which is the mainstay of religion?

The timing of the five daily prayers in accordance with the crack of dawn and sunrise and the disappearance and absence and the absence of Twilight are compatible with biological processes of the body, making them, including organizer for human life and physiological processes.

When waxing ears, which is considered the beginning of the crack of dawn the secretion of cortisone in the body starts growing, also it goes hand in hand with high blood pressure in the body, which feels lively and human activity at this time. At the time of the dawn of oxygen gas ratio is high in the atmosphere and the high proportion of ozone gas, which also stimulates circulation and nervous system and muscular.

The evening prayers when the body Almilatoian material that leads to relax the body and prepare for sleep, and in this time come for evening prayers sealed by the insured daily prayers and he will abide then to sleep se- crete.

Recent statements of the secrets of prayer as prevention of varicose veins disease because of movements performed by the insured in his prayer of bowing and prostration which renewed activity of the circulatory and re-regulating blood pressure in all parts of the body.

The prayer is one of the best kinds of sports because it is inherent in the believer throughout his life and rigorous system. And thus avoids many diseases such as osteoporosis and resulting from the lack of movement. The curvature of the spine, have been shown to maintain the prayers restore vitality to the body and regulates the body's internal operations.

The bowing and prostrating in prayer Icoaan abdominal muscles, legs and thighs. Prayer movements also increase the activity of the intestine hernial constipation. As well as bowing and prostrating lead to reduced blood pressure on the brain to allow the return of blood flow to all organs of the body.

Also, pregnant women benefit from prayer movements in stimulating muscle movement and its bloody and relieve the pressure caused by gravity on the feet of the fetus through the prostrate.

The prayer movements considered as calisthenics for pregnant and especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, and the sport to facilitate the task of natural childbirth.

There is a great psychological effects of prayer, when the believer is humble prayer, that helped him to meditate and focus, which is the most important way to deal with stress and nervous exhaustion. Prayer as well as effective treatment for anger and impulsive and reckless man they know how to be quiet and humble and subject to God Almighty and to learn patience and humility. These things are well affect the nervous system and the work of the heart and regulate the heartbeat and blood flow through it.

The prayer is the connection with God, when the insurer stands in the hands of God Almighty feel the greatness of the Almighty Creator and feels its small size and strength in front of this great god. This sense helps the believer to remove all deposition in the core of depression, anxiety and psychological fears and emotions because they all go away as soon as the insured remembers that he stands in God's hands and that God is with him and will never leave him as long as sincere in worship to God Almighty

Why did God ordered us Balkhcua during prayer?

Scientists found that the brain works sequential manner and not Tafraah, any performance that greatly weaken the thinking two things together, so God ordered Balkhcua always, to read .....

"The phenomenon of" reverence in prayer become almost non-existent in our time, perhaps because of the pressures of the times, issues and developments and physical burdens that most people suffer from them. The question is: Why did God ordered us Balkhcua, and the benefit of that? And what happens if a person think more than anything at the same time?

In a study published Rhine Westphalia Institute for technical studies in the German city of Aachen show that the human mind needs a longer time in the reaction, as if a person tried to the different Baji at the same time; and the result will be an increase errors caused by the dispersion of the mind in most of the work.

Unlike What was thought until now this new study showed that do more than Work at the same time lead to a slowdown in the implementation of the human mind and increase the likelihood of roses Errors, not to mention the economic and psychological burden.

If someone wanted to make a phone call, for example, and browse a book, dedicated to the completion of the tasks with each time will be longer and errors abound when a person's completion of each task separately. In the words explained psychologist Aering hut, the supervisor of this study, we when we Baji parallel, our ability will weaken in the implementation of the two and that by up to 40 per cent: the people who conducted them the experience they need to carry out two tasks simultaneously up to 40 per cent of the time compared to As if they had carried out the tasks sequentially.

 And adds a German psychologist, saying that the impact of such a delay does not observe in our daily lives because there is no one who holds hour time zone and calculates our implementation of the tasks time, pointing out that the danger lies, for example, when the car in the long line driver at the same time being contacted by telephone it does not respond the speed required for any emergency.

During the study it found that the human brain has limited possibilities to receive a number of external influences at the same time and deal with the same speed. It is true that commands the transmission to and from the brain takes only fractions of a second, but that this transition of the brain requires some time to realize the task to be performed, which negatively affects the speed of execution. Akl trying to commands contained the order of mechanism and its implementation sequential one after the other.

And surprised by Dr. Koch how the ability of any person, in theory, to implement more than one task at one time seen as an advantage to him and not vice versa, pointing out that on the contrary, it is assumed try to reduce the pressure on these people in order to teach more effectively. "This will not have a positive outcome in economic terms, but also health by relieving stress on the workers, according to the German world expression. Hut and confirms that the health implications of doing more than one task at once is the fatigue and headaches may reach in the worst conditions to the burnout stage.

Why take advantage of the results of this study?

The believer he should think of each new discovery and tries harnessed to its usefulness in this world and the hereafter, we know that God ordered us Balkhcua during prayer, reverence means that we focus all our attention to the verses we read and praise zoom and dhikr we perform during the prayers. The praise God because of the faithful recipe distinguished themselves from others by a recipe reverence in prayer, he said: (believers have returned * who are humble in their prayers) [Believers: 1-2].

Hence we can say that the believer who leads prayer, thinking worldly matters and problems and concerns and work schemes ... the focus during prayer will drop a lot, would not benefit from the Koran, which he read or dhikr that echoed in his prayers, and therefore do not feel the sweetness and the joy of this duty.

As well as when we listen to the Quran, we should listen and listen to the words of the Quran and ponder its meaning and focus our attention for each character and the word we hear, and therefore this is the Qur'an heal us and mercy, so the Almighty said: (If you read the Koran Fastmawa him and listen, that ye may obtain mercy) [norms: 204]. In this answer repeated questions about a lot: Why read the Quran does not heal the sick? And why not original finish is evil? Why do not I feel the sweetness of faith? And why I'm trying to save the Koran and I can not?

The answer to all these questions boils down to one word: reverence! This character description of God by the mountain if it's conceivable the word of God Almighty when he said: (Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain I saw him humble flawed from the fear of God and those parables for people to cite perhaps they may reflect) [Hashr: 21]. If every one of us in March "Sport reverence" every day for half an hour, to have changed a lot of things in his life, to become better able to cope with difficulties, and more tolerant of the burdens of life, and more able to make good decisions, and also will address many diseases and fears and concerns in this way.

Even if treatment for a lot of mental and physical diseases do not happen only Balkhcua Therefore Almighty said: (Seek help in patience and prayer, and it is a hard but the humble) [Baqarah: 45]. Patience and prayer are the key to Paradise, and the easiest thing is to Kcha, while we find the man who does not reverence nor contemplates not speculate in God's creation and manages the Koran, we find difficult prayer for him and his patience a little, and you find a lot of emotions, if reverence or focus on worship and reading the Koran is the treatment optimal.

But that God described his prophets who Astjept invite them that they were in a state of constant reverence him! Almighty says: (they were rushing in good works and calling us hope and fear us and they were submissive) [prophets: 

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